Monday 5 May 2014

Alan & Kathy

I was really excited when, with the help of a thanks-to-google random name picker, I found out that I would be photographing Alan & Kathy! I was looking for a volunteer couple who would volunteer their time, in exchange for the photos, to let me practice couple photography with my new 85mm 1.4 lens! For those of you who don't know photography talk, that just means it's nicely zoomed out & has a really short depth of field :)
I've known Alan & Kathy for the past... 5 years? 7 years? Okay so it's been awhile... I love how much they love being with each other. Whenever I see them, I always feel like they're having a good time together :) So without further adieu, some photos! 
PS, yes, that beard is the real thing!
PPS, again, for some reason my blog is converting my black & whites to an odd sepia tone. For a better b&w visual of some of these photos, you can check out my facebook site!

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